Strawberry and Cinammon Flavoured Banana Nicecream (Dairy-free Icecream)

This is one of my ultimate choices for a sweet yet healthy dessert! It’s also proof that being healthy is VERY far from boring!

We had a large amount of bananas at home that had ripened at the same time (as they always do!) and would have ended up going to waste. I had wanted to try out a nice-cream recipe for a while and what a perfect opportunity to share it with the whole family!

The golden tip to perfecting this recipe is prepared it with very ripe bananas for a perfect sweet flavour!

I’m always excited to discover sweet dishes that i can indulge in that are healthy as well! I hope thay you enjoy it as much as I do!

2 large ripe bananas
2 tb.sp coconut milk (optional)
Optional add-ins like strawberries, cinammon, peanut butter or chocolate chips.

1. Peel the bananas and slice them.
2. Put the bananas in an airtight container.
3. Freeze the banana pieces for at least 2 hours but ideally overnight.
4. Blend the frozen banana pieces with the coconut milk in a small food processor or blender.
6. Keep blending until the bananas turn to a creamy, ice cream texture.
5. I then added my add-ins; strawberries in one half of the bananas and cinammon in the other.
6. You may either serve it immediately like i did in a glass or bowl or transfer to an airtight container and freeze until solid.

Deliciously healthy! ?

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