My Nutritional Supplements

I believe that it’s very important to complement your diet with vital nutrients rather than replace it with them. So, I try to get all my nutrients from my meals and then give it a little boost! With all of them it’s best to seek a medical practitioner’s advice on what your own body needs. I’ve been trying some supplements and here are the ones I currently use:


I remember my mother making my brothers and I take cod-liver oil when we were younger. It was in liquid form and had a strong after taste that made us dread it yet here I am years later actively seeking fish oils! Omega-3 fat acids are nutrients that are  best known for aiding heart health.


Biotin is one of the B complex vitamins that help the body convert food into energy. B vitamins, and specifically biotin, help keep your skin, hair, eyes, liver, and nervous system healthy.



Calcium is vital for maintaining healthy, strong bones. I try to get enough calcium from my greens like spinach, kale and cabbage as well beans and chickpeas which are actually better absorbed than dairy. However, taking this supplement fills any gaps I may have plus I like that it includes magnesium and zinc as well. Magnesium is best known for improving metabolism, enzyme function and energy production and is actually one of the leading nutritional deficiencies in adults. Zinc, found in every cell in the body, helps with everything from maintaining your immune system to aiding reproduction.


MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is an organic sulfur compound that’s naturally derived. It’s found in plants, animals and humans. I actually hadn’t heard of it until a sales assistant at a food store spoke so highly of it one day and I decided to find out more about it. I found that it’s been linked to a wide range of benefits. My top motivations were to improve my skin health since it helps in the production of collagen and because I run long distances often, to prevent joint pain by helping the body form new joint and muscle tissue while lowering inflammatory responses that contribute to swelling and stiffness.


Have you tried any of these? I would love to know what your experience has been. xx

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