Category Archives: Recipes

Oat, Fruit and Yoghurt Breakfast Pot

Every morning, I have oat porridge for breakfast. It’s always nice to spice things up so I tried this ultimate combination of my favourite oats, coconut yoghurt and yummy fruits! Pure perfection! The mixture of flavours creates an incredibly delicious start to my day! I also love the different textures of its ingredients; smooth and […]

Roasted Butternut Squash with Avocado and Brown Rice

I must admit that I didn’t like butternut squash at first but all that has changed now! I’ve come across so many ways of preparing them lately and learned of its numerous nutritional benefits. It is now one of my favourite vegetables! My favourite use of butternut squash is preparing a thick warming soup but […]

Coconut Oatmeal with Bananas, Dates and Honey

On most days, this is my top preference for my first meal of the day! The oats are a great source of energy and also help in lowering cholesterol. I love having such a warm, tasty and nourishing meal for breakfast especially on a cold day. It’s also very easy to prepare which makes it a great option when I have to be out of the house in a hurry.